
A theoretical model of "smart" urban planning is presented. The model demonstrates the possibility of integrating modern universal and specialized information platforms with appropriate planning programs and methods, "digital twins", and modeling automation technologies into the methodology of advanced spatial planning of complex urban systems. The methodology of strategic urban planning for regions and macroregions is based on a system of laws and principles of dialectical unity in goal-setting, forecasting, programming, and design and implementation of solutions for their development. In total, ten paired groups of principles are presented, taking into account five patterns, each of which includes three principles. Within the framework of this study, a synthesis of specialized concepts is used in the areas of strategic urban planning and information planning and modeling, and the notion of strong artificial urban intelligence is defined. The composition of urban planning information platforms includes heuristic, simulation, software, design, and implementation automonitoring platforms, as well as their most important modeling functions based on the "digital twin" of the object planned, introduction of appropriate advanced scientific and technological knowledge, integration of successful practices, and mechanisms for diagnosing and monitoring the implementation of solutions for the development of regional settlement systems. The theoretical and diagnostic structure of criteria for assessing the territorial and spatial development of regions is demonstrated.

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