
The article deals with theoretical-methodological and practical aspects of the of land in Ukraine. In the course of the study, the differences between the and efficient of land are indicated. The effectiveness of using of land from the point of view of different scholars is described. The generalization of the types of the of using of land is given. The factors influencing the of using agricultural lands are determined. The authors generalize the indexes of the of land use. The indexes of production and economic indexes of agriculture in Ukraine for 2011-2016 are presented. While dwelling on the topic of the article the dialectical method of scientific knowledge and the general scientific methods of cognition were used: systematic approach, historical approach, analysis and synthesis, methods of structural and comparative analysis, statistical analysis. As a result of the research, it was noted that in the modern scientific literature, the definition the concepts of effective of land resources and efficiency of land use are not the same. However, both definitions are related to the rational of land resources. In our opinion, the effectiveness of usingof land is a set of qualitative and quantitative parameters for the of land to achieve the set goals at minimum costs, taking into account the socio-economic consequences of land use. The generalization of the types of the of land makes it possible to group the types of according in the following way: natural, structural, technical, technological, economic, cost, social, ecological, energy, investment, socio-economic, ecological-economic, industrial-technical, industrial-economic, socio-ecological and economic. In examining the issue of the of land use, it is necessary to characterize the indexes that allow determining the level and extent of the of land in the process of monitoring the of land use. However, the effectiveness of using of land can not be determined applying one common index and even one common set of indexes (economic or technical, etc.). Therefore, the overall index of the of land is a very complex integral indexes, which includes economic, technical, social, environmental and other indexes that characterize the livelihoods of both enterprises and the national economy as a whole. The indexes of agricultural production for 2011-2016 (without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and parts of the zone of anti-terrorist operation) have positive dynamics. This suggests that, despite the difficult economic and political conditions in the country, agriculture remains the leading production in the country. In Ukraine, in 2011-2016, the output of agricultural products increased by 151%. We have a tendency for growth of the indexes in all the groups: gross added value, net added value, laborwages, factor income, net current profit / mixed income. Taking into account the positive dynamics of net current profit, we can speak about the positive dynamics of the profitability of the agricultural sector in Ukraine. The conducted researches in the article serve as the basis for further scientific research concerning the complex estimation of the of using land in Ukraine applying the indexes presented in the article. Keywords : land resources, efficiency, performance indicators, agriculture.

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