
Chapter 1: The Search for Understanding. Seeking Explanation. Causality and Stuttering. Causality: Issues of Logic. A Realist View of Causality. Establishing Cause: Necessary and sufficient conditions. Distal and Proximal cause.Definitions. Fallacies of Causal Reasoning. Chapter 2: The Role of Theory in the Sciences. Theory in the Physical Sciences. Theory in the Human Sciences. Chapter 3: Evaluating Theories. Testability and Falsifiability. Explanatory Power. Parsimony. Heuristic Value. Summary and Discussion. Chapter 4: Historical Perspectives on Selected Past and Present Theories of Stuttering: Influences of the Zeitgeist. Psychology: A Very Brief History. L.E Travis: Cerebral Dominance and Stuttering. Psychoanalysis and Stuttering. W. Johnson: Culture, Language and Stuttering. Chaos Theory and Stuttering. Conclusion. Chapter 5: What Should a Theory of Stuttering Explain? The Problem of Definition. The Topography of Stuttering. Onset and Development. Natural Recovery. Genetics. Variability. Chapter 6: Theories of Stuttering: Speech Motor Control The Interhemispheric Interference Model. Chapter 7: Theories of Stuttering: Systems Control Modelling. Sensory-motor Modelling Theory. The Neuroscience Model. The Variability Model (Vmodel). Chapter 8: Theories of Stuttering: Cognitive and Linguistic Processing. The Neuropsycholinguistic Theory. The Covert Repair Hypothesis. Suprasegmental Sentence Plan Alignment Model. Chapter 9: Theories of Stuttering: Multifactorial Models. The Demands and Capacities Model. Dynamic Multifactorial Models. Chapter 10: Theories of Stuttering: Anticipatory Struggle. Anticipatory Struggle Hypothesis. Chapter 11: Theories and Treatment. Introduction: Discussion of Review of Theories.Therapy Based on Theory. Effective Therapy as Confirmation of Theory. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: The Primacy of Evidence. The Necessity of Theory for Treatment. A theoretical Treatment: An Example. Theories as Potential Sources of Error in the Selection of Treatment. From Treatment to Theory. Postscript Chapter 12: Final Comments. References.

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