
AbstractContinuum resonance Raman scattering from the heteronuclear molecular ion HD+ in the wavelength range 700–2500 Å has been treated theoretically using second‐order perturbation theory together with the Racah algebra technique. Effects of interference between the intermediate 1s σg, 2p σu and 2p πu states on the scattered intensities and depolarization ratios have been invesatigated. The intensities of the Raman lines for O‐, Q‐ and S‐branches have been calculated using the non‐thermal Franck–Condon factors for vibrational and thermal Boltzmann factors for the rotational population of HD+ and a thermal rovibrational distribution corresponding to 600 K for selected transitions. The calculated cross‐sections are found to be larger than the exprimental values for neutral diatoms.

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