
Calculations at HF, DFT (CAM-B3LYP) and MP2 level were carried out with a 6-31+G(d,p) basis set to estimate the polarizability α, the first β and second hyperpolarizability γ and reorganization energy λ of 4,5-dicyanoimidazole chromophore 1 and derivatives formed by adding a benzene ring 2, a π bond containing bridge plus a benzene ring (styryl) 3, and a biphenyl 4. Three different donors electron groups D were attached at the para position of the rings or to the chromophore. Our results showed that the 〈α〉, βtotal and 〈γ〉 values increased as D: H<OCH3<N(CH3)2. These properties were enhanced when the intra-molecular charge transference was increased due to the substitution of double bonds by aromatic rings in the bridge or by increasing the donor strength of the D group. The increase in the (hyper)polarizability was accompanied by a decrease in the HOMO–LUMO energy gap in agreement with the Valence-Bond Charge-Transfer and sum-over-states models. The reorganization energy data showed that this parameter for electron (λe) and hole transport (λh) for the substituted chromophore (D: OCH3), molecule 3 (D: H and OCH3) and 4 (D: H) are very close to each other. Then, all them should have good charge transport balance performance. Molecule 2 (D: H) showed the smallest λe and higher λh and can be used as electron transfer material, while molecule 3[D: N(CH3)2] showed a small λh, and can be employed as hole transfer material.

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