
 The results of the scientific work on the theory and methodology of the study of sacral-recreational potential are highlighted in this article. Interpretation of the concept of sacral-recreational potential of the territory as a combination of conditions and resources, as well as sacred landscapes of natural and anthropogenic origin, their components, which are aimed at ensuring the recreational demand of the population on the basis of a generalization of scientific works that relate to the study of the concepts of sacral-recreational potential, the sacral-tourist potential was formulated for the first time. The conceptual components of sacral and potential potential are resources and conditions. Sacred objects of natural and anthropogenic origin serve as resources of sacred-recreational potential and, regardless of their genesis, can function only within the limits of a specific geographical envi- ronment. Such a combination is characterized by a set of relationships and ensures the formation of a sacred landscape. The natural (geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological, hydrological, climatic), social (historical-cultural, social, economic, political), an- thropogenic-transforming (positive, negative) conditions and resources for the development of the sacral-recreational potential of the territory are identified and characterized. The article testifies that due to the russian aggression against Ukraine, a significant part of religious buildings, which are part of the sacral-recreational potential of the country, were destroyed. The essence of various types of evaluations was defined and adapted to the sacral-recreational potential. Thanks to the above, it became possible to build a structural and logical scheme of its evaluation, where the object of evaluation is the sacred landscape/sacred object, and the subject is the manager of the recreation organization or the recreant. Types of evaluations and approaches to evaluating the sacral-recreational potential of the territory are summarized.

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