
The legal content of national security is revealed in the law of national security and becomes a crucial area for the development of legal science in modern conditions of the armed aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and crisis processes in the international security system. The purpose of this study was to determine the features of national security law as a branch of the national legal system and establish prospects for the development of this branch of law. This study employed a set of methods, which include dialectical, Aristotelian, historical-legal, comparative-analytical, sociological methods, as well as methods of structural analysis, legal modelling, and forecasting. National security law is considered an independent branch of law that demonstrates its public significance in the legal support of national security. National interests, as generally significant interests protected by law, form objects of national security law, are reflected in social communications, which, under the influence of national security law, acquire the features of legal strategic communications. At the same time, the integrative qualities of national security law are manifested in interaction with international security law and military law. National security law forms a system of legal support for national security. Priorities for the development of national security law are implemented in a complex of research, organisational and educational measures, which determines the introduction of the corresponding scientific speciality and educational specialisation. The practical value of the study was to cover the features of national security law as a value-normative system of statuses, rules of conduct, communications, which has public recognition and is legitimised to ensure safe conditions for human life, the existence and development of society and the state, and to justify the development of the subject area of national security law towards qualitative indicators of legal support of all components of the national security system, structuring its types, levels – from national to international, entering the legal system of collective international security based on international principles and standards that form such a security system

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