
A dual-band (K/Ka) TE01/TE02 mode gyrotron traveling wave tube is presented in this article. To suppress parasitic oscillations, a lossy-dielectric-loaded interaction circuit is employed. The particle-in-cell simulation results show that when it operates in K-band, the operating mode is the TE01 mode, with a peak output power of 87.1 kW, a saturated gain of 42.74 dB, and a −3 dB bandwidth of 0.7 GHz, and when it operates in Ka-band, the operating mode is the TE02 mode, with a peak output power of 62 kW, a saturated gain of 60.76 dB, and a −3 dB bandwidth of 2 GHz. Moreover, in the operating frequency range of the Ka-band, the overall gain is greater than 57 dB. To meet the requirements of dual-band operating, a dual-state magnetic injection gun is designed, a dual-mode coaxial cavity input coupler is proposed, and a dual-band output system is developed. All of these components showed excellent performance in simulations.

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