
Modern society operates in an unstable economy, regularly emerging crisis phenomena, the formation of which is facilitated not only by various financial instruments, socio-economic factors, wars, natural disasters, but also by life forms, which spread infections to living organisms, parasitizing and using foreign cells for survival. The present article considers the concepts of «economic growth» and «economic efficiency» in order to identify the theoretical basis for the effective exploitation of forests, as a natural resource whose reserves are declining. The analysis of economic models, including those authored by Nobel Prize winners, made it possible to identify fundamental problems, the implementation of which, in the context of national interests, allows, regardless of the economic structure, to maintain a stable level of economic activity using a natural resource. The economic worldview of contemporaries, the transformation of human behaviors under the influence of forced isolation measures, formalism and the short time frame for finding ideas to overcome crises, contributed to the formation of philosophically oriented theories of the emergence of crisis phenomena in the economy, as well as the lack of a deep study of methods and tools of modern models and theories. Analyzing the structure of forest management in Russia, coupled with approaches to charging for the use of the resource, the author concludes that the ideas of an economic philosophy of efficient forest management were not only developed by the beginning of the 20th century, but also experimentally tested, bringing benefits and results in the form of significant amounts of budget replenishment, subsequently directed to the development of science, technology and the improvement of social security for forestry workers.

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