
An important task for improving the modern system of higher education in Ukraine is the analysis of the experience of Germany, which was one of the initiators of the creation of a united European space of higher education and science. Actual is the study of the peculiarities of the reform of higher education in Germany under the Bologna process and the introduction of a two-level system of education: the Bachelor (Ba-Bachelor) – Master (Ma-Master), which will enrich the experience of the Ukrainian system of higher education. Professional training of practical psychologists in Germany takes place in two stages: the first – the basic course, provides for the study of the foundations of science (obtaining knowledge and skills in general psychology, statistics, physiology, developmental psychology, social psychology and personality psychology). The second stage – the main (professional course), which provides to students mastering a specialty (clinical psychology, organizational psychology, psychology in education, etc.). Upon completion of training, future psychologists, depending on the level of training, pass the exam for obtaining a diploma or a master’s degree. Positive aspects of the German system of professional training of practical psychologists, useful for implementation in Ukrainian universities, are practical orientation; variability of training programs; increase the range of specializations; extension of the sphere of providing psychological services in various spheres of social production. Key words: Bologna process, higher education in Germany, professional training, practical psychologist, bachelor, master. Отримано: 28. 0 2 .2019 Відрецензовано: 14 .0 3 .2019 Опубліковано: 02 .04.2019 * * * * * Завантажити/прочитати статтю PDF

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