
[full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English]
 Companies are now operating in a globalized era, with constantly developing and rapidly growing infor­mation and communication technologies, with many transformations in communication forms and with intellectual capital- and knowledge-based competition aspects. Due to this, the choice of sales approaches is an essential part of the sales process, which determines the performance results, measured in terms of the efficiency of the companies, cooperation, market share, and other indicators. Before making decisions regarding the choice of the sales approach with which the end-user will be reached, or before making the decision to change the approach of sales, or after such a change, it is necessary for companies to assess the detailed impact thereof on their performance. This article highlights a holistic approach to decision-making related to the importance of choosing or modifying sales approaches, the importance of assessing the relationship between sales approaches and multi-threaded results on the needs of the market and operational efficiency, on the need of better access to markets and consumers, and successful business activities. After a systematic comparative analysis of the scientific literature, the theoretical model, which allows for estimating the relationship between business results and sales approaches through which end-users are reached, was created. The model was designed to rationalize the choices available when choosing the sales approaches. The relationship between sales approaches and results highlights the need for estimating qualitative variables, such as consumers, because they directly determine the company’s quantitative performance by purchasing the product offered by the company. The theoretical model helps systematically see the whole complex assessment process and, in each case, depending on the purpose of the assessment, to choose the methods which will let achieve the best results of the evaluation, at the same time allowing the company an opportunity to choose the best selling approach that would meet their expectations. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that evaluation is a continuous process, so after the results of the evaluation of the chosen sales approach are received, it is necessary to return to the decision-making process and evaluate if the originally set goal was reached.


  • ISSN 1392-0561 eISSN 1392-1487 Informacijos mokslai lights a holistic approach to decision-making related to the importance of choosing or modifying sales approaches, the importance of assessing the relationship between sales approaches and multi-threaded results on the needs of the market and operational efficiency, on the need of better access to markets and consumers, and successful business activities

  • After a systematic comparative analysis of the scientific literature, the theoretical model, which allows for estimating the relationship between business results and sales approaches through which end-users are reached, was created

  • The relationship between sales approaches and results highlights the need for estimating qualitative variables, such as consumers, because they directly determine the company’s quantitative performance by purchasing the product offered by the company

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Aurelija Ulbinaitė

J. Freebairnas (2001) kalbėdamas apie išlaidų mažėjimą įžvelgė dar vieną svarbų rezultatą – įmonės konkurencijos augimą, nes ji šiuo atveju gali pasiūlyti patrauklesnę kainą, lyginant su tais rinkos dalyviais, kurie savo veikloje nenaudoja e. Tiek ir pokytį palaikančius veiksnius pastebima, kad dažniausiai nukrypstama į įmonės finansinių rezultatų vertinimą, todėl pasigendama vartotojų analizės – kaip pardavimų metodo pasirinkimas veikia vartotojų pasitenkinimą, lojalumą. Kad įmonės pasirinkto pardavimų metodo poveikis vartotojams išties svarbus, todėl šiuo straipsniu būtent ir siekiama įvertinti ne tik pardavimų metodo ir verslo finansinių rezultatų ryšį, bet taip pat ir vartotojų pasitenkinimo bei lojalumo priklausomumą nuo verslo pasirinkto pardavimų metodo. Šiandienos įvairiapusiškame ir nuolat kintančiame verslo pasaulyje yra susiformavę labai daug skirtingų pardavimų metodų, kadangi kiekviena organizacija stengiasi pardavimo procesą formuoti taip, kad pasirinktas pardavimų metodas leistų greičiau bei efektyviau pasiekti kuo daugiau potencialių vartotojų.

Mokslinis šaltinis
Pardavimų metodų generuojami rezultatai kiekybiniu ir kokybiniu pjūviais
Padidėjęs veiklos efektyvumas
Pardavimų metodų rezultatyvumo vertinimo metodai ir kriterijai
Pardavimų metodų ir rezultatų sąryšio vertinimo teorinis modelis
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