
Introduction At present in the view of increase of requirements to promotion of meta-cognitive skills in learners, development of methods for evaluation of skill level is quite topical. The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FSES PGE) defines meta-subject results as comprising mastered by learners universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communication), allowing mastering of intersubject concepts and key competences forming the basis of study The concept of universal learning activities (hereinafter ULA) usually falls into following subgroups: --regulatory ULA; --communication ULA; --cognitive ULA. Regardless there is quite extensive list of meta-cognitive and meta-subject skills presented in the literature, we think it is necessary to compare it with the most common classifications laid out in English literature. The most common and widely used classification of noncognitive skills presented in English literature is a so-called FF model (Five-Factor Model, Big Five [0]). According to the source [0], noncognitive skills can be classified into five large groups described below. Agreeableness--willingness to help others, to act in the view of their interests provided there is return cooperation on their part. Conscientiousness--tend to adhere to agreements and other concord. Emotional stability--includes such oppositions as tranquillity--nervousness, independence--dependence, self-confidence--self-distrust. Autonomy--tend of an individual to make independent decisions and control realisation of those decisions. Extraversion--rapport, an ability to empathize. Unfortunately, many of the FF model elements are not directly the skills. Within this research they may be regarded only as psychological attributes closely associated with development of a whole group of important noncognitive skills--primarily communicative ones. There are several quite reliable diagnostic methods based on the FF model, which may be used for verification of algorithms of automated evaluation of communication skills and teamwork skills. The paper [0] presents a list of complexes of noncognitive skills created on the basis of FF model. This list better measures up to the list stipulated, for example, by the FSES PGE. According to the authors, such skills include: --critical thinking skills; --problem solving skills; --emotional health; --social skills; --work ethics; --community responsibility; --personal relationships between students and teachers; --self-control; --self-regulation; --persistence; --academic confidence; --teamwork; --organizational skills; --creativity; --communication skills. Main object of evaluation of meta-subject results is formedness in the learner of regulatory, communication and cognitive universal activities, i.e. mental effort of learners aimed at analysis and control of own cognitive activity. Meta-subject results of mastering of principal educational program within basic general education should include: 1) an ability to independently define objectives of own education, set and formulate new tasks in studies and cognitive activities, develop motivation and interest in own cognitive activity; 2) a skill to independently plan paths to goal achievement--including alternative ones; to deliberately choose the most efficient solutions for learning and cognitive tasks; 3) an ability to correlate one's activities with intended results, to control one's activity in the process of achievement of result, to define methods of activity within suggested environment and requirements, to adjust one's activities according to changing situation; 4) a skill to assess correctness of fulfilment of a learning task and own abilities in its solution; 5) basis of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and conscious choice in learning and cognitive activity; 6) an ability to define terms, make generalisations, find analogies, classify, independently choose basis and criteria for classification, establish cause-andeffect relations, develop logical reasoning and inferences (inductive, deductive and by analogy), draw conclusions; 7) an ability to create, use and transform symbols, models and schemes for solving of learning and cognitive tasks; 8) semantic reading; 9) an ability to organise learning cooperation and teamwork with a teacher and peers; to work individually and in a team: to find common solution and solve conflicts on the basis of concord of thinking and in respect to interests; to formulate, argue and defend own opinion; 10) an ability to deliberately use verbal means according to communicative task for expression of one's feelings, thoughts and needs; to plan and control one's activity; to use oral and written speech, monologic speech and context speech; 11) formation and development of competence in the sphere of use of information and communication technology (hereinafter ICT); 12) formation and development of ecological thinking, ability to use it for cognitive, communication and social practice, as well as for professional orientation. …

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