
The scientific approach aims to analyse a topic of particular interest, bothfor current doctrine and also for professional practice. The institution of notificationdeadlines of the court in the matters of the resolution of individual labor dispute is currentlygoverned by the provisions the Labor Code, art.283 para.1 letter a. and by those of art. 211of Law nr. 62/2011 of the Social Dialogue. A simple analysis of these provisions shows that,unlike the Labor Code, Law of the Social Dialogue refers to the assumptions which aresubject to art.268 letter b. are not provided the letter d, art.268. Thus, the solutions offeredby those regulations are different and at the same time contradictory doctrine should aim toformulate hypotheses to solve "real conflict of laws", able to avoid delivery of divergent andcontradictory solutions of courts in matters which make the subject of our analysis.

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