
Nowadays non-profit organisations that offer different services are getting more and more recognition. Organisation activities appeal to voluntary work. Presented services are more qualitative because they are fulfilled by dedicated volunteers; they are more efficient, because volunteers are not paid. Sometimes it happens not to know how to initiate the process of organisation development: not every member is involved into the process of voluntary organisation even if he has very good ideas; work is distributed inefficiently etc. Then many members become disappointed in such activity and do not believe that they can change or improve something in their lives. A closed circle forms: there are people who wish to work for the good of community but poor work motivation and misjudgement of initiatives disappoint people, and social activity sort of “dies” or is performed by two or three the most active members. Therefore such activity becomes more “on paper” than practical. It is very important that as much people as possible would understand the input and importance of their work and could act the country wellbeing and their welfare. Efficient motivation of volunteers work is necessary on purpose to achieve these goals. Behaviour of every person is determined by motives that are inner forces stimulating performance of certain actions. Motives are regulated by human needs realizing possibility and degree of their satisfaction. Human behaviour is pointless if motives and aims of the behaviour were incomprehensible. People motivation is pursuit to satisfy essential needs and to acquire something what is missing. People actualizing themselves do not have unsatisfied fundamental needs but they have impulsions. They work, endeavour and have ambitions, although not in the common meaning. Motivations for such people mean character perfection and expression, maturation and growth, in other words actualization of themselves in voluntary activity. Attitudes towards motivation and motives, motivation means of work activation of volunteer organisation members (volunteers) are analyzed in the publication. Importance of volunteers’ motives to continuity of voluntary work is highlighted; essential examples of voluntary work motives and motivation means are indicated. Benefit and difficulties of proper volunteers’ motivation are explained, possibilities of voluntary work are discussed.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ee.23.5.3132

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