
The problem of the relationships of mechanisms of psychological protection with the process of adaptation of students is considered to the educational environment in the university in this article. It is justified the feasibility of the study student period, that places higher demands to the psychological protection of the individual. The description of the theoretical justification of the problem of psychological protection and its features is given on the analysis of the scientific literature. It is presented the picture of the strategies of adaptive behavior of the person. The psychodiagnostic techniques are described such as ( test "Lifestyle Index" К. R. Plutchik – G. Kelermag, the methodology "The indicator of strategies to overcome stress" of D. R. Amirkhan in the adaptation of N.O. Syroty and V.M. Yalta, the multifactor personal questionnaire "The adaptability" of A. G. Maklakova in the adaptation of S. V. Chermyanin, the test of semantic and real orientations of D. O. Leontiev, the methodology of determining the stylistic features of self-regulation of behavior by V. I. Morosanova and E. M. Konoz). All they are used in the research of the features of psychological protection of personality and transformational adaptation. It is given the data of empirical research of features of formation of strategies of adaptive behavior in the course of psychological protection of the personality of the student. The psychological protection and personality development are related with each other, allowing the individual to adapt to difficult living conditions. On the one hand, the psychological protection is a condition for the harmonious development of the student's personality. It allows to provide adaptation through realization of balance of dynamic process of development. On the other hand, the development of personality in adolescence period is one of the conditions of psychological protection, ensuring the process of transformation of the individual and its life. The constructive interaction with the surrounding world is not possible without it. On the one hand, the self-protective efforts of a person are aimed at adaptation to the environment (preservation), and on the other hand, to the transformation of the psychological situation (change).

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