
The article develops and deepens the theoretical and methodological principles of study of the state antitrust policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition clarity of antitrust policy in the context of its main objectives and goals, as well as to the determining the place of antitrust measures in the system of state competition policy. The main determinants of the firm's monopoly power, as well as the factors of its stability over time through the prism of the height of strategic and non-strategic barriers to market entry are described. The expediency of determining the dominant position and size of the firm by the size of its market share is substantiated. The economic preconditions of monopolization processes in an industrial market are singled out and analyzed. In particular the basic conditions of its functioning (the peculiarities of demand, dynamics and structure of production costs and technology), the law of returns to scale, avoidance of double marginalization in the process of vertical integration as the indicators for deepening and selection of antitrust policy tools. Emphasis is placed on the need for a thorough analysis of market volatility, as well as the means to achieve and maintain the monopoly power of the firm in the decision-making process of the relevant state regulatory authorities. The mechanisms of antitrust regulation in innovative and highly specialized types of markets, in particular the information technology market and the pharmaceutical industry, have been critically assessed. The paper also suggests the main directions for improving the antitrust policy of the state in the context of differentiated antitrust instruments application in different types of monopolized markets depending on the sources and stability of monopoly power, economic feasibility of its accumulation, the level of actual and potential monopolization, horizontal and vertical integration processes, influence on innovation. incentives to increase the competitiveness and growth of both market leaders and outsiders. Key words: antitrust policy, competition policy, industrial market, monopolized market, dominant firm, market concentration, market power, dominant position, market share.

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