
1. Introduction Formation of strategies of effective development of forestry and, as a result increase of economic security of national economy in the sphere of forest use, based on reduction of climatic risks of development of forestry--supposes development of scientific methods of evaluation of risks, vulnerability, and potential advantages of predicted climatic changes in view of natural and geographic, economic, social, and other peculiarities of specific region or sphere of economy, as well as formation of differentiated multi-level mechanism of management of forestry, implementation of which is aimed not only at evening-out of emerging threats but at their preventive elimination. Under the modern conditions of economy, climatic changes are aggravated by strengthening of anthropogenic stress in the sphere of forest use (Konstantinov, 2014; Konstantinov, 2014). The strategy of well-balanced development of forestry supposes not only analysis of well-known methodological approaches but formation of organizational mechanism of forestry management, implementation of which is aimed at preventive elimination of emerging threats (Osmanov et al., 2015). 2. Methods Generally, approaches to provision of well-balanced development of economic system, as to the management on the whole, are a totality of basic components: goals, principles, methods, and tools. For the purpose of this research, we shall view the provision of well-balanced development of economic system from the positions of the theory of management. It should be noted that well-balanced development of forest sector supposes progressive qualitative and quantitative increase of indicators which characterize the functioning of key components of forest sphere of economy for satisfying needs of current and future generations in long-term on the basis of harmonization of interests of state, society, and nature. In this case, a very important role belongs to complex development of forest resources as a part of industrial (consumption of forest resources in agriculture and industry), recreational (park belt is a powerful reserve of clean air for a city; forest provides a visible recreational effect), and ecological (water protection, sanitary and therapeutic, field and soil protection) components (Zinovyeva, 2014). Process approach. According to this approach, provision of well-balanced development is a constant process of managing the activities of forest complex. Functioning of forest complex could be presented as a constant process of use of forest resources and their recovery. On this basis, provision of well-balanced development requires revealing the tendency of system development, necessary expenditures of resources and time for effective use of forest, and its recovery. An important component for the use of this approach is revealing key processes in functioning and forecasting of dynamics of development of forest sector. This very approach to management will allow determining relations and interdependencies in the development of forestry. This is causes by the fact that the quality of provision of effective functioning at one stage (for example, formation of saplings) will ensure effective development of economic system at the following stages (recovery forest fund--use of forest fund). Systemic approach. Study of the possibility of providing well-balanced development requires not only consideration of the process of system functioning, but taking into account all factors that influence the development. In this case, forestry should be viewed as totality of interconnected elements (theory of management views departments, functions, processes, and methods). Regarding provision of well-balanced development of forest sector of economy, there are two variants of components: managing (public authorities and forest resources' users) and managed sub-systems (forest resources and forest resources' users--for public authorities). …

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