
It is proved that for effective regional management of the tourism sector it is necessary to pursue a clear, high-quality and purposeful regional policy. To do this, you must use the full range of available mechanisms and tools. In the course of the research it is established that one of the most effective tools that should be used for the development of regional tourism in the conditions of decentralization is the program-planning method of management. It is substantiated that the basis of regional tourism management should be a comprehensive program aimed at identifying and using regional reserves to improve customer service tourism services in a certain area, taking into account the specifics of the region, its climatic, demographic, natural resource, environmental characteristics. It is determined that in the field of regional tourism development planning there are a number of foreign and domestic approaches to its understanding. The main features of foreign (physical, standardized, economic-political, modelling, PASOLP-approach) and domestic (resource, marketing, socio-economic, political-managerial, project) approaches are established and systematized, as well as their advantages and disadvantages are described. It is proved that tourism is an intersectoral complex, and therefore there is an objective need to ensure the interaction of different approaches developed by world and domestic practice in planning the development of tourism at the regional level. Given the peculiarities of the method of integrated planning, a comprehensive approach to regional tourism planning is proposed, which includes the following stages: stage of review and analysis, stage of defining tourism strategy and selection of priority tourist flows, stage of improving management structures and legislation, stage of physical planning and implementation and consequences. It is proposed to put a comprehensive approach to regional tourism planning as a basis for improving the methodological recommendations for drawing up a regional tourism development program. An algorithm for developing a regional tourism development program has been developed, which includes the following stages: identifying software-solvable problems, preparing tasks for program development, forming a «tree of goals» of the program, developing program options, evaluating and choosing an effective program option, project design, control of a program realization.

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