
The article defines the means of social regulation, which include legal, moral, corporate, social customs, etc. At the same time, the norm is not the only means of influencing human behavior, as such means also embrace individual instructions, authoritarian orders, measures of physical, mental, organizational coercion and so on. Therefore, the legal regulation of social relations is defined by the author as a purposeful action on human behavior and public relations with the help of legal (juridical) means.
 At the same time, the legislator faces the difficult task of maintaining a balance between legal regulation and social self-regulation. Before subjecting a public relation to normative regulation, it is necessary to substantiate the necessity and expediency of such a step, since the efficiency of legal regulation is determined by the compliance of the final result of legal regulation with the goals set by the legislator in the relevant legal norm. Therefore, the aim of the article is to determine the level of potency of legal norms that correspond to the objective conditions and laws of development of the society in which they operate. At the same time, their content must correspond to the social consciousness of the population, first of all to the principles of morality and the level of legal awareness, as well as to agree with the norms of its other branches.
 Since the subject of legal regulation is social relations, the legal regulation is conditioned by certain objective and subjective factors. The author identifies the following factors: the level of economic development of the society; the social structure of the society; the level of maturity and stability of social relations; the level of legal culture of citizens; the level of determinancy of the subject, means and methods of legal regulation.
 In a modern democratic state, the nature and types of these means are determined by a set of factors, among which the article highlights the patterns of development and fundamentals of the law system, as well as the level of the declared and actually valid rights and freedoms of man and citizen, enshrined both in acts of national law and in international legal acts ratified by the legislative body of this state.

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