
The use of a cylindrical high-explosive charge with a wave-shaper is an efficient way to obtain an ultra-high pressure and a convergent detonation wave. An analysis of flow fields corresponding to the regular and Mach reflection of detonation waves in a cylindrical high-explosive charge with a wave-shaper is presented in this paper. The pressure, flow velocity and triple point growth angle of the Mach stem were calculated. The Mach stem height was also determined by using the modified Whitham method. The results show that the Mach stem height rises from zero at the critical angle of Mach reflection and changes to the Chapman-Jouguet detonation state with the propagation of the detonation waves. Shock indentation experiments were conducted, in which a wave-shaper was used in a cylindrical high-explosive charge to form Mach reflection detonation waves. The results showed that the discrepancy between the experimental results and the theoretical calculations was less than 15%, which proves the validity of the proposed theoretical model.

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