
The purpose of the article is to develop the theoretical and applied foundations of the study of tourist mobility with the identification of features of its implementation in the global dimension, the analysis of global trends and values in terms of different groups of countries. Methodology of research. The tasks of the article are solved with the help of the following general scientific and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, dialectical approach. Findings. The article summarizes the different approaches to understanding mobility and highlights its perspectives. Tourism is considered as a determinant of employment, self-realization in the sphere of service and hospitality. The meaning of the term “tourist mobility” has been defined and the retrospective of their use has been explored. The analysis of global trends in the implementation of tourist mobility with a focus on the dynamics of displacement and cost indicators in terms of different groups of countries on the basis of geography and profitability. The main trends of realization of tourist mobility of the population in the context of stimulating influence on human development are generalized. Practical value. The main trends of tourist mobility of the modern world are highlighted, in particular the growth of the level of tourist mobility of modern society is shown, which confirms the quantitative dimension of its realization and the change of approaches to the organization of travel. The link between the tourist mobility of the population and the quality of life is outlined. The necessity of complex monitoring of the level of tourist mobility according to different vectors with understanding of qualitative indicators of human development and finding ways to optimize the impact of tourism as an industry on the economy (state, region), capable of providing development in the conditions of stability, is substantiated. Keywords: mobility, tourist mobility, international tourism, global trends, international tourism revenues and expenditures. REFERENCES 1. A Dictionary of the Derivations of the English Language (1872). London and Glasgow: William Collins, Sons, and Company [in English]. 2. Stryuk, M. I., Semerikov, S. O. & Stryuk, A. M. (2015). Mobilʹnistʹ: systemnyy pidkhid [Mobility: a systematic approach]. Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi i zasoby navchannya – Information technologies and training tools. 49 (5), 37–70 [in Ukrainian]. 3. Khorunzha, L. A. (2009). 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