
Smart Materials like graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, etc are been used to build conductive textiles so that they can enable and give a solid platform for building Internet of Things (IoT) devices which can improve the functionally and serve the purpose of communicating the information in a quick and cost effective manner. The prime objective of this work is to analyse theoretically the application of smart material and IoT enabled devices which are presently used in Textile Technology stream. The study also analyses the application of various support technologies that are linked to IoT devices directly or indirectly. However, the findings after analysis has revealed useful technical information related to the requirements and application methods that a smart material should possess and how it has to be used while building an IoT based device. The method followed in analysing the smart materials and IoT applications mainly focused on understanding about the characteristics of the smart material, their working principle and the outcome of the previous work so far carried out by eminent people in this area. Applications like IoT based health monitoring system, Artificial Intelligence, Smart manufacturing, Cloud computing and Cyber physical systems is also been discussed and the findings prove the importance of using these technologies to enhance the efficiency and overcome competition in smart materials area. In conclusion, this analysis has given us new hopes to develop IoT based devices and wearable electronics using graphene and carbon based Nano-materials.

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