
The investigation of the regional response of an aquifer due to depressurization at the Welland Canal construction site is discussed in this paper. The aquifer consists of the upper fractured zone of the bedrock, overlain by a poorly-permeable confining layer which permits recharge and discharge through leakage. The permeability in the aquifer varies throughout the area.As no exact solution exists, a mathematical model is developed. The model is two-dimensional in the horizontal plane and represents the non-homogeneous continuum of the aquifer by a finite number of nodes arranged in a grid. From the differential equation of flow, a system of linear equations is derived and solved by computer. Unsteady flow conditions are approximated by solving the system for discrete steps in time, from commencement of pumping up to equilibrium. Model parameters, consisting of the nodal values of transmissibility, leakance, and storage coefficient, are established by simulation of an actual period of pumping, for which the regional response is determined from readings at observation wells. After using one observed case, the model can be employed to solve any number of practical problems relating to the aquifer response within the area.

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