
Life is the gift of God, it is an ontological principle and a fundamental human right. Life ought to be defended in every situation; from the Christian perspective, there is no justification for supressing it. As grounds for life we have approached the following: man - the creation of God, and the Christological, pneumatological, ecclesiological and eschatological grounds of man’s life in the body. According to the definition of the Holy Fathers, man is named “crown of creation”. He has the vocation of being “servant of the entire cosmos”. Whether it is named “microcosmos”, “macrocosmos” or “macroanthropos”, the fall of man determines the fall of the entire world, as his restoration attracts with it the restoration of cosmos, understood as world, harmony. Man is made of flesh and soul, spirit and matter. The life of man, as gift fro God, finds its fulfilment in the very manner in which the body collaborates with the soul in their demarche of gaining redemption. There is no permanence of one over the other. They both are equally important for life. This is why we say that man’s life is an ontological fact and that man has the responsibility of defending and fulfilling his life.

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