
<p>This research is based on Linguistics Systemic Functional (LSF) and it observes the fronting idea and modeling in translation. Fronting idea can be seen from the Theme and the shift of Theme in a text ant its translation. This Theme and Rheme system is as part of LSF theory, whilst the ways or systems of translation are seen from Larson’s and Catford’s theories. There are sixteen different texts taken as data analyzed in this research from five different sources. They are from (1) The British Council Bulletin, (2) Political Speech; (3) Connexions Magazine; (4) Pelangi Magazine; (5) Islamic Speech Book. Each of the text is identified based on its Thematization including Marked and Unmarked Theme, Simple and Complex Theme, Singular and Plural Themes especially the Theme-Shift. From this analysis,, it can be also known the factors that cause the shifts of the Theme. The results of the analysis are: first, Plural Topical Marked Theme is the dominant Theme in both languages. Secondly, there are seven types of Theme shift in both languages, i.e. (1) the shift in simple Theme becomes complex or vice versa, (2) the shift in singular Theme becomes plural or vice versa, (3) the shift in marked Theme becomes unmarked ones or vice versa, (4) the shift in Theme position, (5) additional Theme, (6) omission, and (7) changing Theme. Thirdly, the factors that influence the Theme shifts in translation are caused by shifts of language units from Theme or Rheme or vice versa. Besides, it is also found that the additional of language units from English to Indonesian or vice versa, such as conjunctions, circumstance of place, manner, and time. On the contrary, it can also be caused by the existence of omission of language unit from English to Indonesian or vice versa. The shifts, additions, and omissions of language units cause and influence the forms, types, and the number of Themes from Singular Theme becomes plural ones and vice versa, and from Simple Theme becomes the complex ones or vice versa.</p>

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