
The aim of this study was to find answers about how the empirical relationship between the theme of the playing process with the background of the children. What themes emerge when children play symbolic and imaginary. Symbolic and imaginary play involves symbolism, where the children can interpret symbols and show imagination and play acting "as if". Symbolic and imaginary play is divided into two, playing the role of the macro when the children themselves play a role in accordance with the theme and the micro is when the child uses dolls to represent themselves or through a process of personification. This research kind is qualitative and the process of assessment is done during play. A qualitative study using observation method is the right method in research on playing process, which the process is more important than the results. Data were collected through natural observation. The subjects in macro symbolic and imaginary play were two girls age 5 and 6 years who play in a single episode “mother and children”. The subjects in micro symbolic and imaginary play were two girls 5 years old and 5 months and was conducted in two episode.
 This research showed that the symbolic and the imaginary play can reveal the background of the child. Themes that emerged at macro symbolic and imaginary play is the birthdays. The theme that emerged at micro symbolic and the imaginary play is about house situation, habits, hopes, family relationships, likes and dislikes.

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