
The objective of this those is to postulate Theistic panpsychism as a version of naturalized epistemology it is a cognitive science of essences, substances and modes of physical world (phenomenon) and the a priori world (nuomena). The traditional epistemology is that with experiences in the form of impressions or sense data, we justify our claims to know objects such tables, or molecules etc. Theistic Panpsychic naturalized epistemology is concerned with external physical and metaphysical worlds of objective and subjective realities. Consistent with modernity and post-modernity, it is neither against the canon of reason nor intuition, nor experience but asserts that there are truths of non-empirical modalities. As an objective idealist, realist and panpsychist, the African Bantu sees God in every being and object manifesting as gods, spirits and forces. These forces, he understands and grapples with designators and predicates in explaining nature and medical and scientific puzzles. Similarly, considering the theory of relativity from epistemological standpoint, this paper establishes that Albert Einstein grappled with theistic panpsychism, and then to special theory of relativity and finally general theory of relativity. He explained the randomness and uncertainty of nature with notion of God and forces thereby confirming his theistic panpsychic disposition before his great scientific discovery’s namely E= mc2. The realm of theistic panpsychic naturalized epistemology is nature, absolutes, thinking, cognition and deductive reasoning. It is a transcending totality encompassing the a priori and a posteriori and provides answers to moral, epistemological and metaphysical questions. It is the epistemologist of Africanity (African or Bantu cognitive world view) and Einsteinism (Ensteins world view that influenced his theory of relativity). Key words: Epistemology, immanentism, panpsychic, Descartes.

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