
The XBootes Survey is a 5 ks Chandra survey of the Bootes Field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). This survey is unique in that it is the largest (9.3 deg2) contiguous region imaged in X-ray with complementary deep optical and near-infrared (near-IR) observations. We present a catalog of the optical counterparts to the 3213 X-ray point sources detected in the XBootes survey. Using a Bayesian identification scheme, we successfully identified optical counterparts for 98% of the X-ray point sources. The optical colors suggest that the optically detected galaxies are a combination of z 10). These objects are likely high-redshift and/or dust-obscured AGNs. These sources have generally harder X-ray spectra than sources with 0.1 < fX/fo < 10. Of the 73 X-ray sources with no optical counterpart in the NDWFS catalog, 47 are truly optically blank down to R ~ 25.5 (the average 50% completeness limit of the NDWFS R-band catalogs). These sources are also likely to be high-redshift and/or dust-obscured AGNs.

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