
Performances of cultural and art ensembles in Josefov played an important role in raising the morale of the interne es , satisfying their nostalgic feelings towards their home and native land. Actors and singers of the camp were given the opportunity for self-realization and development of their artistic abilities. Important was also that all without exception amateur activities related to the theater and performances were national in content and spirit and contributed to the spiritual consolidation of Ukrainian soldiers. In the repertoire of the camp theater Ukrainian household and historical plays dominated, because they corresponded the interest of the interned. One could name here, in particular, «Zaporozhets za Dunayem» [Cossack Beyond the Danube] by Semen Hulak-Artemovsky and «Marusya Bohuslavka» by Mykhailo Starytsky, for the production of which the theater section of the Cultural and Educational Club prepared a rich stage requisite and various scenery (for several acts). W omen (wives of some interned) and their children had actively participated in the performances, which allowed to show events in the plays naturally . It should also be noted that during several years spent in the camp, artists have reached a fairly high level of skill. The artistic component of the camp life was duly represented at the exhibition which was installed in the camp. Due to this exhibition, creative achievements of amateur theatre clubs became known among the general public of the town of Josefov and the district. The significance of the camp theatres also consisted in the fact that Ukrainian song, music, dramatic art disseminated among Czech society a positive vision of Ukraine as a part of the European political and national-cultural space. The most important was that the interned searched and found their own original expression for their artistic quest, thus making its own contribution to the treasury of Ukrainian and European culture. Key words: theater, concert, exhibition, performance, repertoire, interned, Ukrainian Galician Army.


  • Performances of cultural and art ensembles in Josefov played an important role in raising the morale of the internees, satisfying their nostalgic feelings towards their home and native land

  • Проаналізовано різні аспекти культурно-просвітницької діяльності українського вояцтва, інтернованого у таборах Чехословаччини, водночас її автор не ставив собі за мету здійснення докладного аналізу діяльності мистецьких осередків у Йозефові

  • & КУПЦОВ, А., 1999, З історії культурно-освітньої роботи у таборі інтернованих військ УГА в Йозефові (1921-1922 рр.), ІV Міжнародний конгрес україністів (Одеса, 26-29 серпня 1999 р.)

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Performances of cultural and art ensembles in Josefov played an important role in raising the morale of the internees, satisfying their nostalgic feelings towards their home and native land. Було вирішено, що збори «дружини» мають відбуватися регулярно раз на місяць, а також після кожної театральної вистави та на вимогу голови секції (ЦДАВО України, ф.3521, оп.1, спр.11, арк.1). Під час їх роботи була утворена комісія для розробки статуту театральної секції КПК в Йозефові, а ще за три тижні (15 лютого) були проведені перші т.зв.

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