
The zoospore and meiospore of the aquatic phycomyceteCatenaria anguillulae (Phycomycetes, Blastocladiales, Catenariaceae) have a nuclear cap enclosing the cellular ribosomes within a double membrane, and a side body complex which is very similar to that observed in zoospores ofBlastocladiella andCoelomomyces and is structurally related to the side body complex observed in spores ofAllomyces. The structural organization of the side body complex and striated rootlet is analyzed from serial sections. The meiospore also contains an array of flattened cisternae which are in direct contact with, and appear to be derived from, the outer nuclear membrane and the backing membrane of the side body complex. The structural organization of the zoospore and meiospore ofC. anguillulae is compared to and contrasted with the structural organization observed in spores of members of theChytridiales, Blastocladiales, Monoblepharidales, andHarpochytriales. It is concluded that the structural organization of the spores of theBlastocladiales, Monoblepharidales, andHarpochytriales is similar, and affinities in spore organization can be found in some members of theChytridiales.

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