
The controls on Zn burial fluxes into marine sediments are not well constrained by existing datasets. To address this problem, new Zn-isotope data have been generated from a globally distributed array of late-Holocene age sediments that accumulated in open ocean settings underneath a diverse range of depositional conditions (Namibian margin, West African margin, Arabian margin, Californian margin, Peruvian margin, Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, North and South Atlantic Oceans, South China Sea). The mean non-detrital isotopic composition of Zn in the whole dataset (δ66/64Zn = 0.37 ± 0.25 ‰, 2. S.D., n = 33) is only slightly lower than the modern deep-ocean composition (0.45 ± 0.14 ‰). Locations with total organic carbon >1 wt% have greater non-detrital enrichments of Zn and higher Zn isotope compositions than organic-poor sites, although the uncertainties overlap. Zinc associated with organic matter burial (using Zn/C ratios) and/or oxyhydroxide burial (using Zn/Fe and Zn/Mn ratios) account for a combined total of ~16–73% of the total non-detrital Zn content of the investigated sediments, therefore requiring an additional burial flux of Zn to balance the sedimentary budget. This flux is probably related to ZnS formation although Zn incorporation into authigenic clays is also possible. The new data indicate that open-ocean marine sediments track the deep-ocean Zn isotope composition to within 0.1–0.2 ‰, except in areas where isotopically distinct Zn fractions dominate the non-detrital Zn budget. The fraction of Zn removed into different sedimentary components is used to calculate Zn residence times ranging from ~2.7 kyr to 13.5 kyr that are within the range of previous estimates based on input fluxes to the ocean.

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