
New Pliocene macrofloras and microfloras perfectly preserved from the Mont-Dore (Puy-de-Dôme, Massif central, France) have been reinvestigated. Samples come from different stratigraphical levels collected from three localities, Lac Chambon, La Gratade and Pont de Chocol. The 40Ar/39Ar radiometric datings bracketing the Chambon Lake and La Gratade fossil-bearing horizons give 4.46±0.05Ma and 3.94±0.04Ma, respectively, representative of the Zanclean Stage (= Brunssumian B and C), a period of the early Pliocene (5.32 to 3.6Ma), much older than previously thought (i.e., Piacenzian). Pont de Chocol is considered to be close biostratigraphically, or even identical in age to La Gratade. Detailed morphological evaluation of leaf morphotypes completed with pollen analysis contributed to the better taxonomic knowledge of these palaeofloras. The overview focuses on floristic and phytostratigraphical characteristics of the defined stratigraphical units and their dating and correlation with previously defined palaeofloristic units of the Massif central. The study provides detailed identifications of plants representing 11 gymnosperms among which Pinaceae (pollen and winged seeds), Cupressaceae including “Taxodioid” pollen grains and Sciadopitaceae families (only pollen). Besides, different angiosperm trees and shrubs have been determined from both micro- and macro-remains. Fagaceae is the most diversified with several foliage of beech and deciduous oaks, while diversified Juglandaceae contribute mainly as abundant leaf remains of Carya, Pterocarya and Juglans; Ulmaceae with numerous leave of two Zelkova species, and also Ulmus. Various other deciduous dicotyledonous such as Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Populus, Acer laetum and A. interrigenum are well documented. Leguminosae are recorded by a small number of leaflet imprints. Evergreen shrubs of Buxaceae (Buxus pliocenica) are scarce. All these taxa contribute to a rich biodiversity of these Pliocene assemblages. All three sites point towards riverine forest habitats dominated by hygrophilic diversified woody plants while in the surrounding plains and slopes the thermophilic elements were scarce and mesophilic taxa abundant as temperate elements. This vegetation can be compared with mixed mesophytic forests depicting a climate cooling during the two considered periods (ca. 4.46 and 3.95Ma).

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