
The classical pathway of the complement cascade has been recognized as a key activation arm, partnering with the lectin activation arm and the alternative pathway to cleave C3 and initiate the assembly of the terminal components. While deficiencies of classical pathway components have been recognized since 1966, only recently have gain-of-function variants been described for some of these proteins. Loss-of-function variants in C1, C4, and C2 are most often associated with lupus and systemic infections with encapsulated bacteria. C3 deficiency varies slightly from this phenotypic class with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and infection as the dominant phenotypes. The gain-of-function variants recently described for C1r and C1s lead to periodontal Ehlers Danlos syndrome, a surprisingly structural phenotype. Gain-of-function in C3 and C2 are associated with endothelial manifestations including hemolytic uremic syndrome and vasculitis with C2 gain-of-function variants thus far having been reported in patients with a C3 glomerulopathy. This review will discuss the loss-of-function and gain-of-function phenotypes and place them within the larger context of complement deficiencies.

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