
Industrial raspberry plantations in Russia occupy just over 10 % of all plantings and do not fully meet the needs of the population and the berry processing industry. One of the ways to increase the production efficiency of this crop is the use of high-yielding cultivars for planting new plantations. The aim of the researches was to evaluate the industrial assortment of primocane raspberry type in the conditions of the Central region of the Russian Federation in terms of productivity components and to isolate the most productive ones of them. The work was carried out in 2019-2022 on the basis of the genetic collection of berry crops of the Kokino base station of the FSBSI FRC of Horticulture. 8 cultivars of the primocane raspberry type of domestic selection, included in the register of breeding achievements and meeting the requirements for the industrial cultivar: Atlant, Zhar-ptista, Caramel’ka, Medvezhonok, Pingvin, Podarok Kashiny, Poklon Kazakovy, Salyut served as researches objects. It was established that the largest fruits were formed by the cultivars Salyut (4.6 g), Poklon Kazakovy (4.8 g), Medvezhonok (5.0 g), Podarok Kashiny (5.1 g). The multi-fruited cultivars Medvezhonok, Zhar-ptista and Podarok Kashiny were among the best in terms of stem loading by generative organs (194-216 pcs.). The cultivars Zhar-ptista, Poklon Kazakovy, Atlant, Salyute, Medvezhonok and Podarok Kashiny were distinguished by high yields (15.0-20.0 t/ha). The ripening degree of their harvest on average over the years of researches was 75.4-100 %.

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