
The thermal neutron capture gamma rays from the Y89(n, γ)Y90 reaction were investigated in the energy region between 0.18 and 7.0 MeV with a pair spectrometer, a flat crystal spectrometer, and an angular correlation arrangement using two sodium iodide crystals. The prominent gamma rays in the spectrum, which is unusually simple for a nucleus of this mass number, can be fitted to a level diagram for Y90 with levels at 0.2024±0.0003, 0.247±0.002, 0.7767±0.0002, 1.215±0.002 and 2.741±0.012 MeV. Angular correlation studies between cascading gamma rays, with certain assumptions based on the gamma ray intensities, lead to tentative assignments of 2+ and 3− for the levels at 0.7767 and 0.2024 MeV respectively. The neutron binding energy of Y90 is found to be 6.849±0.009 MeV. The observed level scheme is compared with shell model predictions.

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