
the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, directed by Eugenio García Toledano [Primer acto, no. 35]. El villano en su rincón — by the Teatro Escolar of the Padre Suárez Institute of Granada, directed by Prof. Martín Recuerda [Primer acto, no. 32]; by the Teatro de la Tertulia company in the Teatro Principal of Zaragoza, in Jan., 1962 [Primer acto, no. 32]. La viuda valenciana—by the Teatro de Cámara of the Centro Escolar y Mercantil, of Valencia, in the claustro of the Universidad de Valencia, July 19-22. The WSU-Apontes by B. B. Ashcom Wayne State University In the Wayne State University Library comedia collection is, if not the "Sette of Odd Volumes" beloved of bibliographers, at least an odd set of volumes, six in number, uniformly bound in full Spanish pasta, the labels on the spines reading "Calderón de la Barca. Comedias." An examination shows that the set represents some collector's attempt (or what is left of some collector's attempt) to assemble the edition of Calderón published by Juan Fernández de Apontes (11 vols, in 10, Madrid, Viuda de Manuel Fernández, 1760-1763) , or its equivalent. As is well known, Apontes published the plays of the Vera Tassis edition, paying no attention to Vera Tassis' order, and putting vols. X and XI in one binding, with separate pagination, but only one title page. Barrera (53b) is wrong in implying that only the last volume is of 1763. Vol. IX is also of that year. See also Salva, I pp. 373-374. The contents of the WSUL volumes may be of interest to the Comediantes. The WSUL volume 1 consists entirely of sueltas, but it offers the same plays, and in the same order, as does the Primera Parte of Apontes. The sueltas are as follows: (1) Num. 293. /C. F, / CADA VNO PARA SI. / DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN. 40 unnumbered pp., sigs A-E[4]. The printer has used three type sizes. The second act is headed JORNADA PRIMERA. Colophon: (·.·) FIN (·.·) (2) Num. 38./C F., /LAS ARMAS / DE LA HERMOSURA, / DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 44 numbered pp. [Two type sizes, pp. 1-32 and pp. 33-44]. Salamanca , Imprenta de la Santa Cruz, n.d. (3) Num. 314. /CF./ AMADO, Y ABORRECIDO, / DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 40 pp., foliated, sigs. A-E[4] [f. 7 misprinted "3"]. N.p., n.d. (4) Num. 58 /C F. /LA SEÑORA, /Y LA CRIADA. /DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 32 numbered pp. Salamanca, Imprenta de la Santa Cruz, n.d. (5) Num. 21. /NADIE FIE /SV SECRETO. /DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 28 numbered pp. [p. 28 of 3 cols.] Sevilla, Joseph Padrino, n.d. (6) N. 258. Pag. 1/ C F./ LAS TRES JUSTICIAS EN UNA./ DE D. PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 32 numbered pp. Valencia, Joseph y Thomas de Orga, 1782. (7) Num. 109./ AMAR DESPVES DE LA MVERTE./ C/ F,/ DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 32 numbered pp. Sevilla, Viuda de Francisco de Leefdael, n.d. (8) Num. 112./ VN CASTIGO EN TRES/ VENGANZAS./ C/ F,/ DE D. PEDRO CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA. 32 numbered pp. Sevilla, Francisco de Leefdael, n.d. (9) C F. / DVELOS/ DE AMOR,/ Y LEALTAD./ DE DON PEDRO CALDERÓN/ de la Barca. 56 unnumbered pp., sigs. A-G[4] N.p., n.d. Colophon: FIN between two lines of printer's devices and flanked by two other individual devices. Below, a 19 large rectangular cut resembling an ornately decorated initial B, sideways , in frame. Volume 2 reflects what was probably a feeling of frustration on the part of the collector. It starts off confidently enough, with sueltas of the first three plays of Apontes, II. The fourth play is an arrachement from Apontes, II, but the last play, Fineza contra fineza, not the fourth (which was La vida es sueño) . The rest of the volume consists of sueltas of plays the titles of which were apparently selected at random from Apontes IV, VI, VII, and VIII. The sueltas are...

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