
ABSTRACT This article analyses the transformation of the Catalan writer’s social space, which intensified with the independence process against Spain during last decade. More specifically, we shall focus on the dual structure of the literary field (Catalan literary field versus Spanish literary field) based on the use of Catalan or Spanish as expressive language, and materialized in different publishing houses, cultural institutions and cultural policies for the promotion of literature. The political conflict led some writers to abandon the literary field’s ivory tower and participate in the public sphere as intellectuals, supporting different political positions (pro or anti-independence). We shall analyze how these position-takings of Catalan writers (expressed in manifestos, newspapers articles, political essays, etc.) were related to their position in the dualistic structure of the literary field (Catalan versus Spanish writers) and the resources obtained in these social domains. The literary field’s limited autonomy (both in political and economic terms) prevented Spanish and Catalan writers to frame the political conflict in their own terms and according to their specific principles.

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