
The projectified self is suggested in this article as a way to advance emancipatory project studies toward improved understandings of how individuals in contemporary neoliberal societies are urged to become self-controlling, self-improving, self-commercializing, life-compartmentalizing, and deadline driven. We propose (1) a developed theoretical foundation for studies of the projectified self, based on recent writings on enterprising selves, and (2) the notion of prosumption as a concept for how the worthiness of this projectified self is constructed in a simultaneous process of project-based production and consumption. This is discussed in relation to the on-going studies of social media entrepreneurs.


  • Introduction individuals has acknowledged projects as an aspect of identity work

  • At the same In this article, we develop the concept of the projectified self time, these analyses often tend to relate these condi(originally coined by Kalff, 2017) as a way to study and ana- tions mainly to project-b­ ased work and project management as lyze how individuals in contemporary neoliberal societies are a general discursive formation

  • The pro- enterprise culture in which notions of employability, flexibility, jectified self is an expression of the cultural values inherent in project orientation, and individual responsibility are central to the projectified neoliberal society, in which individuals’ worth the ways in which we gain and prove our personal worth is dependent upon their ability to produce and consume them- (Chiapello & Fairclough, 2002; Keat, 1991; Kelly, 2013). selves and others as self-c­ontrolling, self-­improving, self-­ Contemporary culture is one that urges us to assume new idencommercializing, life-c­ ompartmentalizing, and deadline-d­ riven tities, such as an entrepreneurial employee, manager, entreprehuman beings

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Locating the Projectified Self in a Neoliberal Projectified Society

Our suggestion to study the projectified self as a subject position in neoliberal society by which individuals are invited and urged to improve themselves, is based in discussions on societal change and transformation that have been going on in management studies and sociology for almost 30 years. An emergent stream of literatures both inside and outside the realms of project studies has focused on how societal projectification may impact conditions for the individual In their well-­recognized discussion on the historical development of cultural and political modes of understanding and justifying reality, Boltanski and Chiapello (2005) claim that a new justificatory regime is emerging in contemporary society—the project-o­ riented cité.

Core Discursive Aspects of Societies
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Relation of worth
Judgment and evidence of
Projectified Selves and the Pursuit of Worth
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