
The World's Dairy Congress is to be a conference of international representatives of the dairy industry, its related sciences and public health and social welfare agencies. Its purpose is to bring together the forward-looking leaders who are shaping the trend of science and industry; to exchange the newer knowledge of the science and practices of dairying and allied activities; to study the economic forces which influence domestic and international commerce in dairy animals, products and equipment; to discuss methods of disease prevention and of regulating and controlling the sanitation and standards of dairy products; to consider the influence of a wise use of milk and its products on national health and the vital importance of the part which they play in human physical and mental development. Acting under the authorization of a law of March 3, 1921, the President of the United States has invited all Governments to send representatives to the sessions and, in addition, the World's Dairy Congress Association has invited institutions, firms and associations of this and other lands to send delegates and has asked the Governors of all the States of the Union to attend the sessions and appoint commissions to represent their dairy and allied interests. The Congress will hold its opening sessions at Washington, D. C., on October 2 and 3, adjourn to Philadelphia, Pa., for October 4 and continue at Syracuse, N. Y., from October 5 to 10. The dairy industry is passing through a transitional period. The war and the after-war conditions have forced it into a world readjustment. The shift in international dairy trade and the struggle to regain pre-war business have made the problems of the industry world problems. While damming up the normal flow of international scientific information, the war resulted 377

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