
The article talks about the release of the first Newsletter of WOTAA, the World Online Transactional Analysis Association, and about the work of ICTAQ, which in turn publishes the International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research Practice. Its editor, Julie Hay, has issued guidelines for the preparation of research within the TA. This material also contains excerpts from the workbook, which contains recommendations based on the translation by Svetlana Knyazyuk. Among these excerpts there are justifications why it is important to get acquainted and rely on scientific research, what is the methodology of research. The subject of research and how they are classified are determined. Various research formats are described: ethnography, grounded theory, subject research, experimental research, phenomenological research. Examples are given of how this information can be transferred to the practice of TA when preparing materials for publication in scientific journals, writing master's and qualification papers within the framework of international and European certification programs for transactional analysts, as well as how to use this information in individual research and work both in the field of counseling and psychotherapy, and in business TA and TA in the field of education. At the end of the article, the algorithm of work on scientific research is given, which will be useful to specialists.

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