
This is the third of a series of studies painting a macroscopic picture of the architecture and dynamics of linguistic reality. It has to be read together with the first two, The World of Language. llts Crust(= SPJL PLUS 24, 1994) and The World of Language. 2 Its Behavioural Belt (= SPIL PLUS 25, 1994). Without the generous assistance of Cecile le Roux, Waiter Winckler, Theresa Biberauer and Christine Smit I would not have been able to make any progress with the project.


  • Author.. ,The editors wish to emphasize that they do not necessarily subsQribe to the views expressed in contributions to ·SPIL PLUS

  • This is the third of a series of studies painting a macroscopic picture of the architecture and dynamics of linguistic reality

  • Without the generous assistance of Cecile le Roux, Waiter Winckler, Theresa Biberauer and Christine Smit I would not have been able to make any progress with the project

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Functional architecture

On a well-documented view, the processes (or processing activities) involved in producing a spoken utterance can be partitioned into three macroscopic processing components or processors: the Conceptualizer, the Formulator and the Articulator. Each of these components receives a certain kind of input and produces a certain kind of output. In the case of a spoken utterance such as The Cheshire Cat sat on a branch for a while, the Formulator accepts as its input certain fragments of preverbal messages --- for example an EVENT, a PLACE, a DURATION and so on--- and produces as its output an articulatory plan. Processes that do the same kind of job in the production of utterances are taken to belong to the same component This means, that the diagram presents a large-scale picture of the functional architecture of a speaker's speech-production system. In producing these utterances --- and they were followed by a string of odd ones --- the Queen seemed unable to find the right words, head in the first utterance and executioner in the second She had no problem whatever, though, in comprehending things spoken to her by fellow-players. Different scholars working in the area of language comprehension will partition the various processing activities differently, thereby proposing different fuctional architectures for the speech-comprehension system.?

Nature and location
Features of the dynamics
General nature
Componential make-up
Raidt Historiese perspektief op die normering van Afrikaans
Wilkes Taalgebruiksnormering in die Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoetale
Hilton Hubbard Linguistics as a subversive activity
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