
Background and context: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a ubiquitous virus that causes many cancers: cervical, oropharyngeal, anal, penile, vaginal and vulvar cancers, the most serious consequence being cervical cancer that takes the life of a woman between the ages of 35-60 every two minutes in this world. There are existing tools to prevent this cancer today: at the primary prevention level, the HPV vaccines that are up to 90%-97% preventive; at the secondary level, simple screening tests including Pap test, HPV DNA testing, and VIA; and at tertiary level, effective early treatment of precancerous conditions. Yet, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the developing world. One of the main reasons for this gap is the lack of awareness that cervical cancer is a preventable public health problem. Hence, education and innovative models are necessary for successful control of this disease. The HPV vaccines are recommended between 9-26 years in males and females. Hence, our organization, The Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer (GIAHC), decided to empower the next generation to join the fight against HPV and cervical cancer. Aim: To empower the younger generation to play a proactive role to raise awareness and increase the uptake of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening through the use of arts in medicine and social media. Strategy/Tactics: An educational PowerPoint presentation was developed by medical and nursing students to present to middle and high school students and in other community settings. Program/Policy process: A 30-minute-long presentation was developed so that it could fit into a classroom period. A script for the presenter, a reference sheet, slides to highlight how HPV can affect both sexes, risk factors and effective ways to prevent it were developed. Emphasis was placed on the HPV vaccine for boys and girls. This was followed by a game, and a short inspirational and aspirational film and a few words to empower them. Outcomes: The program has met with good success: The presentation has been shown by our students in several states in the US and in other countries. Our student group has grown from 2 to 60 in one year. Middle and high school students also want to get involved to spread the message. Students are continually coming up with other creative ways through, dance, painting, poetry video clips and using social media to spread the message. Students of the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) and Medical Women's International Association (MWIA) have now partnered with us. The Department of Education has expressed an interest to collaborate with us. What was learned: Empowering the younger generation and providing them with the tools to play a pro active role to interweave science with various creative art forms can have far-reaching and greater impact on communities and societies to raise awareness about HPV.

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