
To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire universe. This is the law of “Perfect Equilibrium”. Within the entire universe there is always a prefect equilibrium between all the physical forces like gravity, forces of inertia, radiation pressure and Electro-Magnetic Interaction forces at any time, in any direction and at any space coordinate. This is the fundamental law in physics on which also the existence of a Black Hole has been grounded. This new theory will explain the forces within a beam of light interacting with gravity while the beam of light propagates within the gravitational field generated by a black hole. When we look at modern Physics, we can only be impressed by an enormous amount of knowledge and a complete New World of technical applications. We now live in the century of the impressive victory of the new science and the new technology over the old-fashioned world and the old-fashioned way of thinking. Great shifts in the way of thinking and the technological achievements are mostly characterized by an important scientific publication in a century that changes everything in that century. We can recognize the century of Isaac Newton who triggered in 1687 the seismic shift in thinking with his famous publication “Philisophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy). We recognize the century of James Clerk Maxwell who triggered in 1865 the large shift in thinking with his famous publication “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field”. We recognize the century of Albert Einstein who triggered in 1905 the large changings in thinking with his famous theory of Special Relativity represented in his publication “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”. Manifesting a “New Theory” and a “New Way of Thinking” with important contributions of Hendrik Lorentz, Henri Poincaré and Hermann Minkowski. It is recognizable that with the sudden change in thinking in a new period, a new kind of mutual common sense and a general agreement by many scientists of the new theory and the new way of thinking arises. The “New Theory” will be protected by common sense and mutual agreement. This new way of thinking settles down in the scientific society and become immovable. Other options disappear and simply do not exist anymore. Which will make it almost impossible for the following “New Theory” to rise. The “New Theory” which will be introduced in this article has been based on the fundamental principle of “Perfect Equilibrium within the Universe”. A fundamental universal principle in Physics which has already been expressed by Newton’s famous 3 equations, published in 1687 in “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Newton’s famous Equations in 3 dimensions will be published in this article in an extension into 4 dimensions. Newton’s 4-dimensional law in the 3 spatial dimensions results in an improved version of the classical Maxwell Equations and Newton’s law in the 4th dimension (time) results in the quantum mechanical Schrödinger wave equation (at non-relativistic velocities) and the relativistic Dirac equation.


  • To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire universe

  • Wim Vegt, Department of Physics, Technical University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. (e-mail: wimvegt@topacademy.center) equation and the relativistic Dirac equation. Theory this law of Equilibrium has been extended for any arbitrary Electromagnetic Field Configuration, which requires the fundamental Universal Property: “The total algebraic sum of all force densities will always equal zero at any time at any spatial coordinate in any spatial direction”

  • BLACK HOLES: In Maxwell’s time there were no optical LASERS (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and the outcome of his theory was in his time completely in correspondence with what could be measured at that time

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In Maxwell’s time there were no optical LASERS (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and the outcome of his theory was in his time completely in correspondence with what could be measured at that time. While the projection beam itself moves towards the screen with the speed of light “c”, the beam clearly remains focused and does not move within the plane, perpendicular to the direction of propagation Another effect which cannot be explained by Maxwell’s Theory about electromagnetism has been demonstrated within the IBM research group. It represents a new elementary one-dimensional confinement potential in physics, joining the list of wellknown potentials such as Coulomb, parabolic, and square well This effect becomes the key feature that enables this system to serve as a new class of natural magnetic trap (Ref. 2) called parallel dipole line (PDL) trap with many possible exciting applications. Newton published his famous second law of motion in 1705 in “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” which will turn out to be the foundation for the possible existence of Black Holes in the Universe, when Newton’s second law of motion will be applied to a beam of light within a gravitational field

Results in the Electric force density:
Results in the magnetic force density:
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