
This research examines critical reviews of 1920s dedicated to the analysis of literary works of the founder of Yakut literature A. E. Kulakovsky on the basis of historical-culturological approach. Previously undiscovered materials of the periodical press of that time alongside systematization of the analyzed material of literary criticism reveals the perception of literary works of the poet by the critics and writers of the incipient Yakut literature. An attempt the critical analysis of the material is conducted in the context of the impact of epoch, mentality of Sakha people, and prevalent ideology upon the criticism of literary works. The opinions in the works of critics and writers are dictated by the cultural-historical and sociopolitical situation in the country, when young Yakut literary criticism embarks on a contradictory path of transition from the field of literary studies to political struggle. The relevance of the topic is defined by insufficiency of research dedicated to the assessment of criticism of the period of establishment of Yakut literature, namely the works of A. E. Kulakovsky. The article presents the previously unpublished critical reviews, as well as the articles that were not included in the biobibliographic index of A. E. Kulakovsky. Research in this field complement the materials on the history of development of Yakut literary criticism in the context of studying artistic and scientific heritage of A. E. Kulakovsky.

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