
The workplace has become a battleground for violence in society. With so much violence in newspapers, on television, and in homes, the workplace is not immune to this crisis. Employers will have to plan strategies and implement programs that will protect employees from rising violence on the job. Policies and procedures, crisis management teams, security, and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) will have to be in place if incidents should occur. Employers will have to modify their hiring practices and transform the workplace into a virtual fortress to protect employees. Security will now play a greater role in crisis management than ever before. Zero-tolerance must be the attitude of employers. Downsizing, firings, drug abuse, stress, reduction in pay while working longer hours, and domestic violence have attributed to workplace violence. Murder and physical assaults to workers occur more frequently in the areas of health care and social services than in any other occupation. Workers in retail establishments, taxi drivers, public service offices, and law enforcement also have high incidents of violence.

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