
It is in the many leisure hours that the individuality of the person and the destiny of the nation are being developed. Creative instincts baffled: Specialization and the invention of machines have taken the creative element out of most work. The future of industry holds forth no promise of improvement in this condition in spite of educational palliatives and the hope of democratization. The opportunity of afterwork hours: Americans have had a shortsighted and negative conception of leisure time. The shortened work day leaves the worker a surplus of energy with which he may meet his spiritual needs and work out his destiny. The increase in his leisure intensifies the worker's obligation to self-development. The individual's responsibility: After democracy has given each one his chance, it is the individual's personal responsibility to develop his innate powers. Four activities in leisure hours that contribute to individual power: Candor and mental discipline may come to Americans through study. A hobby helps to develop individuality. Cultivating the play spirit has great personal and social benefits. One grows in stature in serving his community. The worker's desire and capacity for education and cultural activities: Whether it be Louis Pasteur's father toiling over garment worker, we find workers eager to give their spare time to gain knowledge that will enlarge their lives. Undeveped fields of leisure time opportunity: Universities and colleges may provide extension courses for workers emphasizing cultural subjects along the lines of the Amherst experiment. A still broader field lies in community organization of leisure-time activities on a nonsectarian, non-partisan, and non-commercial basis.

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