
The Wisdom of Crowds with Informative Priors Pernille Hemmer (phemmer@uci.edu) Mark Steyvers (msteyver@uci.edu) Brent Miller (brentm@uci.edu) Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA, 92697-5100 Abstract In some eyewitness situations, a group of individuals might have witnessed the same sequence of events. We consider the problem of aggregating eyewitness testimony, trying to reconstruct the true sequence of events as best as possible. We introduce a Bayesian model which incorporates individual differences in memory ability, as well as informative prior knowledge about event sequences, as measured in a separate experiment. We show how adding prior knowledge leads to improved model reconstructions, especially in small groups of error-prone individuals. This Bayesian aggregation model also leads to a “wisdom of crowds” effect, where the model's reconstruction is as good as some of the best individuals in the group. Keywords: Eyewitness Testimony; Wisdom of Crowds; Rank Ordering; Bayesian Modeling; Serial Recall. Introduction Studies of eyewitness testimony have shown that human memory can be incomplete and unreliable (e.g., Loftus, 1975). In real world situations, there might be multiple eyewitnesses, all of whom witnessed the same set of events. This raises the possibility of recovering the true account of events by analyzing the similarities in the recalled memories across individuals. Different individuals might also recall different aspects of the events, such that an aggregate narrative, based on the group’s memory, would be closer to the true sequence of events than that of any one individual. An investigator might try to manually reconstruct the aggregate narrative, or witnesses might be allowed to discuss the events in order to develop the group narrative. Communication between witnesses however, has been shown to lead to much worse performance (Gagnon and Dixon, 2008), and humans have been shown to be inconsistent in assessing group information from multiple sources (Stasser & Titus, 1985). To avoid these problems, we propose a model of aggregation that can integrate the recalled memories from a number of independent individuals, while also taking in other important factors, such as individual differences and prior knowledge, into account. Research on the “Wisdom of Crowds (WoC) has shown that an aggregation of independent judgments often leads to a group estimate that is closer to the ground truth than that of most of the individuals (Surowiecki, 2004). These group estimates are often simply found by taking the mean, median, or mode of responses (Galton, 1907; Surowiecki, 2004). Much of the previous literature on aggregation of judgments has focused on tasks where individuals estimate numerical quantities and probabilities (Budescu, Yu, 2007; Hogarth, 1978; Wallsten, Budescu, Erev, & Diederich, 1997). It is, however, often that case that eyewitness have to retrieve information more complex than single numerical estimates. The WoC effect can also be demonstrated with more complex problem sets. For example, the WoC effect has been demonstrated with solutions to problem-solving situations such as finding minimum spanning trees for a set of nodes (Yi, Steyvers, Lee & Dry, in press). Steyvers, Lee, Miller, and Hemmer (2009) showed that order information from semantic memory can also be combined across individuals to give high accuracy in reconstructing the true order of items along some physical or temporal dimension; when individuals recalled the order of US presidents, or the order of rivers according to length, many of the individual orderings were error-prone, but the aggregate orderings were more accurate, on average. In Steyvers et al. (2009), a number of aggregation models for order information were tested. It was found that using Bayesian models that incorporated psychologically plausible representations, cognitive processes and individual differences outperformed basic heuristic aggregation approaches, such as taking the mode. When errors across individuals are uncorrelated (as they tend to be when individuals independently give their judgments) the errors will cancel out in the aggregate. Therefore, one expects the best results in WoC experiments with a large number of individuals. In eyewitness situations however, there is rarely a crowd available to witness the same set of events. In these cases, we have to rely on a small number of individuals (in many cases, just one) and significant errors might not cancel. Therefore, it might not be sufficient to just analyze the commonalities across the witness reports. We propose that it is better to combine the witness reports along with prior knowledge about the particular event sequence. Combining prior knowledge with noisy information has been shown in other domains to improve the recovered estimate (Hemmer & Steyvers, 2008; Konkle & Oliva, 2007; Kan, Alexander, Verfaelle, 2009). We focus in this research on the problem of reconstructing event sequences. The goal is to reconstruct

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