
Office of Attorney General, Madison, Wis., June 13,1896. To the Editor: —YourJournalof April 25 was forwarded to me by one of the good physicians of this State and furnished valuable information to this office for the purpose of bringing an action to dissolve the Wisconsin Eclectic Medical College at Milwaukee. We have just prepared a complaint and I take great pleasure in forwarding a copy to you. You are at liberty to use it as you see fit. You will notice that I have obtained leave from the Supreme Court of this State to bring an action to annul its charter. This action will be brought in Milwaukee county. I have to-day mailed the papers to the sheriff of that county requesting his service. Yours truly, STATE OF WISCONSIN, Circuit Court for Milwaukee County. State of Wisconsin ex re W. H. Mylrea, Attorney General, Plaintiff, vs. Wisconsin Eclectic

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