
Spatial data is fundamental to documenting our past, underpinning research questions and informing the decisions we – and others – take in the protection, understanding and stewardship of the historic environment. Investing in organising and sharing spatial data typically delivers a benefit to cost ratio of up to sixteen times the outlay. In contrast, existing practices are saturated with inefficiency. Even if the spatial data reaches an archive, it can be hard to find, access and use. It is often in the wrong format and incompatible with similar data from different projects. Through the European Union Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive curators of protected sites data (scheduled monuments, listed buildings etc.) are required to publish metadata, view and download services. In contrast to these ‘curated’ datasets there is neither the mandate, nor the mechanisms to coordinate, curate and share, data created through archaeological fieldwork and research. The degree of standardisation in documenting fieldwork recording and archival deposition varies considerably, posing challenges to the reuse of data. Both are key factors in not realising the potential of ‘collated data’ from multiple sources. The opportunities to develop a consistent approach for making greater use of data routinely created through fieldwork and research are explored using case studies from Scotland. Despite the obvious benefits of developing a consistent approach to spatial data from fieldwork, the framework, standards, specifications, guidance and infrastructure to realise that potential are absent. Archaeological data can and should contribute to delivering wider societal benefits, including environmental monitoring, digital twins and climate change. To contribute meaningfully to these and other societal challenges, archaeological data needs to be accessible and consistent.

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