
Games and entertainment, as a phenomenon, were present even in the clan community. From ritual games in the clan community, the games grew into agonistic games among the ancient Greeks, and already had an entertaining character among the ancient Romans. It is precisely the change in their character from agones to ludi, that leads us to wonder how games and entertainment have changed and developed through different eras of humanity, and not necessarily always in a positive direction. What challenges that society has faced throughout history have influenced the changing nature of games and entertainment? How did we get from Juvenal's recommendation that one should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body to the age where computer games will find their place at the Olympic Games? Can computer games contribute to prayer for a healthy mind in a healthy body? Or is there only the prayer of loved ones for their healthy spirit and body... Has the term game lost its basic meaning over time, which refers to an action without any material gain? How important are play/game and fun/entertainment for each age group? Does fun take precedence over play? Does the NTC program of exercise through play, which is based on science, have an adequate place in modern society? Has professionalism devastated the essence of sports games? These are just a few questions from the wide range of questions this research addressed. The aim of the paper was to point out the importance of games and entertainment for society and the possible direction towards choices of games and entertainment that did not stray from ethics, our essence and us as human beings. The results of the work indicate that although the choices on an individual level are ours, the ever-faster wheel of history is leading us to dehumanization and alienation from people, play and entertainment in their basic meaning.

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